So much problem with my maps in Euro truck simulator and American truck simulator I never had. Better is with ATS game, where I'm on some way on some better point.
I updated already all my models, something small problem is still with signs ... but I hope I will manage that too. I must thank you here to Ever, who made Lowe's place for ATS map MOD and he fixed fast his model. It was some small pain with that one model, but he did that very fast and professional.
So, I'm on the daily move, working every day to get on point, fix everything and work further on my maps. Every such Update stops me on my development way ...
I hope always, that results will come at the end of course.
I already know that ETS2 map MHAPro will be much, much later out then ATS map MOD. How much later then ATS, right now I do not know.
With the new update came some new problems, old Sectors in some places won't work anymore. What is really weird. So, I must replace them with basic Sectors and put my work back. That is almost the same as I just start to work on that ... second work ... lol
But, I must be optimistic ... right ?! ... my mind always tells me ... Alex, work and you will have results ...