With Euro truck simulator 2 is a totally different story ... it is really more work - much more work. I hope on my fast work and I will put everything in there too to fix everything and release it in July 2019 as fast I can.
American truck simulator map MOD is already on testing, but like always, I lost again some my work from before on the north of Oregon. Now in this next days, I will try to fix as much I can.
I can not fix everything in short time and put everything on the place but I will do my best ... you must know that SCS team has many people in there and they work more than 7-8 months on one DLC ... so, to me, fix, connect and put back is totally impossible to do that in 1 month. But I think I did a good job and you will like it, of course, those, who like my map MODs for ATS and ETS2.
So, if you want to be in touch with my news, put on the right side of my Blog your Email in there and you will get a note with every my post on your Email.
Enjoy in pictures from testing American truck simulator.