Saturday, May 11, 2024

Notice to players for update 1.50 - MHAPro

 I inform all my players of MHAPro maps for ETS2 and ATS that I have minor health problems. The doctor actually forbade me to sit at the computer because of the bad condition of my spine.

From May 15, 2024 until the end of May 2024, I have to undergo rehabilitation. I see that the SCS team is preparing to release new maps and update 1.50. When I come back, I will try to solve it in the best way and prepare both ETS2 and ATS maps as soon as possible, so that my loyal players can play further MHAPro maps.

Unfortunately, it's not the best news, but health comes first for now. I will be away from all networks and computers because I will be treated in different ways with spinal stretching and other things.

I certainly expect that I will prepare the maps sometime by June 15-20, 2024. You will certainly not find everything in them right away, such as the new Switzerland in ETS2, and the question is also about the ATS map.

When I return from rehabilitation, I will let everyone know how things are going with the implementation of the maps for the new 1.50 update.

Thank you for understanding.