I will release the American truck simulator no later than 14 days after the SCS team releases their Montana DLC. I'll try to plug that DLC right into my map MOD in as many places as possible.
Later, those who donate for my version 1.45 will receive an email with a download link as always. You will use the same download link to update my map and more connections with DLC Montana. All map MOD parts you will just replace.
I will try to get everything together as soon as possible, so that you can play my MHAPro map on version 1.45.
As for the MHAPro 1.45 map for Euro truck simulator 2, it is under development. You will get more information about this map MOD later.
A lot of time was spent "dropping" new areas from the original SCS game into my existing MHAPro folder. It takes a catastrophic amount of time and every time I wonder if it even makes sense to do it.
Follow the blog posts.