Hello fans,
MHAPro 1.41 for Euro truck simulator 2 1.41.x is out. You can find it on my site https://www.mhapro.com/download-section/support-version ,support my work and use direct download link. This way you will get in the same time map MOD. If you will have any problem with download link, contact me on my email, like as always : msheavyalex@gmail.com
Free MHAPro map MOD is not available.
I will answer as soon I can. For any problem, use my Email.
If you want to use just DONATE ME site on my MHAPro site, inside the Paypal on first step leave a note - "for ETS2 1.41" and I will know what to do. If you don't leave me note, I must contact you first and it can take some time.
From 30.7.2021-18.8.2021 I'm on vacation with my wife. I will have some old laptop with me, but internet connect is not so good. You can always contact me, I will answer on any email as fast I can.
I hope you will enjoy playing with MHAPro map. Many problems from version 1.40 to 1.41 are fixed in new version. New ETS2 update is not so big, but I will work further in August when I will be back from my vacation with wife. If I will be fast enough, I will release update too...I will see. You must remove all Parts 1.40 and replace with 1.41 Parts. And then will work ok.
Enjoy playing
Alex, MHAPro