If you have such a problem, or better, if you see on some buildings problem with some purple windows... I found out what can be the problem. The same problem is in Free and Support maps.
It is easy for fix that. I will show you how to do it :
1. just delete document from Part 1
- open Part 1
- click and open folder with name MATERIAL (click for picture)
- then click on SPECIAL folder (click for picture)
- look on the end of all document in there and find "window_interior_01" (you will find there 2
documents) - you can delete both or just that with green Icon (click for picture)
- if you will ask you to SAVE on the end, do it.
After that all problems will gone with those windows on the buildings.
For all other problem, please send me email on: msheavyalex@gmail.com
First when you send me Email, you must send me GAME.LOG document and position picture from map inside the game, big enough that I can locate position. If you find Bug, use F11 and you can send me then BUG.txt document from where I can find fast that bug. But I think you will hard to find something, anyway send me if you find it.
Enjoy playing