I already work now 3 weeks on fixing DLC North .... and it is a huge work, almost the same like I start from Zero with that place ... all that work slow me down with all progress in that ETS2 version and new update.
I will give you just some example in pictures what I mean around that textures and terrains.
Examle 1 - BEFORE
Examle 1 - AFTER FIX
Examle 2 - BEFORE
When you drive cross DLC North you can see some weird reading texture in the game. Some holes too, the game read some textures and models faster, many of them open in the last second. SCS changed again reading textures in the game + they changed some other performance in the game. And result you see in the game, like me.
Examle 2 - AFTER FIX
On the end I just hope I will have some time before new SCS update for some new place in the map too...