Today I will show first some places from MHAPro for ATS 1.36 update, so next one.... please do not ask me right now on start, when will be out... lol ...
For now, I finished these places inside the map MOD ...
MHAPro ATS 1.36 (in SUPPORT-donation version Compatible with 1.36.x Steam and higher) :
1. Redding (CA) - a new part of road 299
2. new crosses and connections around Redding (CA)
3. new signs around Redding (CA) on highway 5 and 299
4. Redding - new connection 44 and 299 to the Eureka
5. Redding (CA)
- company Plaster and Sons
6. new roads in part of Placerville (CA)
7. new DHL company in MOD MHAPro
8. Placerville (CA)
- company DHL
9. new road to Placerville (CA), connected on road from Oakdale to Rancho Cordova (CA)
10. Las Vegas (NV)
- company DHL
11. new road to DHL company + connection to the highway 215
12. fixed some problems on the map
13. Klamath Fall (OR)
- new connection cross city in south place of the city
- new roads inside the city
14. new city Albany (OR)
- company dg_wd_saw
- company Mcdonalds whs
15. new company in map MOD - McDonalds warehouse (whs)
Next, pictures ...